The Bears are down 23-13 at the half against the Detroit Lions, Kyle Orton gets injured (this morning his injury update was a high level ankle sprain), in comes the back up qb. Granted a back up quarterback for most teams starts frantic paranoia of a loss- but not every teams backup quarterback is Rex Grossman.
I am by no means calling Kyle Orton the Barack Obama of the NFL, but Rex Grossman and John McCain share some characteristics that if they play out like last Sunday's Bears game mean John McCain may still have a chance.
Rex Grossman has never been consistent, someday's he's good, someday's he's horrible- he can never decide what he wants to be, so he got benched. John McCain, says he is a consistent politician, crossing over party lines to get things done. True the man is been around a long time to form relationships with other senators, but his voting record shows inconsistency. Crossing party lines by voting only works if it's to build unity, not for personal friendships.
Numbers Game
McCain's poll numbers aren't looking good, statistically if the states electroal votes come in the way they are predicted today McCain is still almost 100 electoral votes away from clinching the Presidency, that's even with the swing states ( which historically have never all gone to one party). Grossman last Sunday was in a similar position, down 23-13 at the half to a team that was 0-7. Grossman scored a touchdown to propel the Bears to win the game, go onto a 5-3 record and grasp the lead of the NFL north. This gets me thinking, maybe you're down but not necessarily out. McCain still has a chance at the undecided states, Florida isn't necessairly a slam dunk for democrats and Colorado, Iowa, Virgina and Wisconsin have a possibilty of swinging in the GOP's favor. That's 66 electoral votes, he's getting closer.
Good Players
Hello Matt Forte, with 126 rushing yards, and 40 of 54 yards on the go- ahead drive, you made Rex Grossman better. John McCain has good teammates too- remember his years in the Senate, make no mistake he's made some valuable allies, who will campaign on his behalf. Do I think they rival Bill Clinton or Al Gore working it down in Florida, absolutely not- but I do think that in ultra conservative states his allies carry great influence. A great teammate can create a game winning play ( think Forte), therefore all it takes is one play for McCain to switch the momentum on Barack Obama.
Grossman was quoted as saying after the game, " I always thought I was going to play a little bit, I never figured that I wouldn't play at all- odds are that at least two quarterbacks play some especially here in Chicago". It seems that perhaps John McCain has been counted out because of the momentum and media train that is Barack Obama- but I imagine that Mr. McCain believes he's going to play a little bit on election night, after all at two quarterbacks play some, especially here in Chicago, and I wouldn't count McCain out, just yet.
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